Friday, April 20, 2012

I Have A Big Problem

Hello, I'm Renzo, aka Stermayer.
I've been told to come here by Clyde, from EA Support live chat, in order to solve my big and extremely frustrating problem.
I put an attachment where you can see the conversation i had with Clyde and understand my problem.
Anyway in two words: I invited a friend to my place tonight, like 5 hours ago (sadly it's from that time that i'm trying to solve the problem) and he brought his Xbox Live profile and Fifa 11 saves with him. This friend of mine is new to the game: he started some days ago to play and he had a new virtual player; mine instead was kind of old: I've been playing almost everyday your game since is out and i focused on improving my virtual player. It was the first time we played on the same console (and it will be the last one). Then we both logged in with our Xbox Live Gold profiles and wanted to play together. We started the game and i pressed and logged in as usual. I soon noticed that my player in the arena didn't have my Game Face anymore. It was strange, but i put it back and went on. Then i wanted to let him play with his new virtual pro on my monitor and i went in the options menu' and i put him in the account options as "Lead and Active" so i would have been only "Active".
And here's the problem: as soon as we got back to the arena there was his virtual player with my game face, then i tried to take the lead back, and what did i discover? That my player mixed with his player in everything exept the face that was still mine. It means that i suddendly was a new player again, with starting attributes few accomplishments, different name, different height, body shape, role, team, year and day of birth and so on.
My player was completely destroyed. I became him. Now I'm trying to be as much communicative as i can, but you can understand that I am little angry from this fact, but still hopeful that you can solve it tomorrow, because I DON'T want to be him, I want to be myself again.
Clyde told me that the virtual player is saved online and it's linked to account.
I even saved last accomplishments that are shown on my player hub, I don't know really why, but it's always better to do more than less.
I hope the problem will be solved today and that I will smile again watching my Fifa 11 box on my shelf.
Goodnight everyone,
P.S: Since I can't attach text files, i don't know why, i am forced to post it. I'm sorry to make a long post.
Thanks for comprehension.
Here is the conv with Clyde:
Clyde: Hi, my name is Clyde. How may I help you?
: hello
: my name is renzo
: i have a big problem
: and i require assistance
: it's about my virtual player
: i invited a friend at my place tonight
: and he almost just started to play
: and we both have our created players
: then i added his profile directly in the game
: i activated his profile in the options menu'
Clyde: Ok.
: and suddendly our virtual players mixed together
: and now mine is destroyed
: and i have much less skills than i had
: it just happened 20mins ago
: i looked directly for this chat
: i'm desperate because
: i've been playing fifa 11 from the day it went out
: till yesterday
: everyday
Clyde: I am sorry to hear that you are facing this issue.
: and now everyithing it's destroyed
: ok
: how can i solve it?
: please help me
Clyde: could you please wait for a while I am having a look into your issue.
Clyde: ?
: ok
Clyde: Well, This seems to be game but. So, I request you to report this bug issue on its official forum.
Clyde: Well, let me try to do something, could you please wait for a while?
: no please it takes too much
: i want to add something
: sry
: in my
: virtual player page online on
: there is written last accomplishments that i did
: may it be useful?
: can you put them back to my player?
: thanks
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 02) Tap one in from close
Oct 15, 2010 3:09 AM
Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 03) Block a shot on goal
Oct 15, 2010 3:09 AM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 30) 75% ground passes in 15 matches
Oct 13, 2010 4:11 PM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 30) Win 150 tackles
Oct 12, 2010 4:40 PM
Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 16) 5 chipped through ball assists
Oct 12, 2010 3:58 PM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 27) Play in 25 wins
Oct 12, 2010 4:40 PM
Clyde: Well, Every thing is fine into your account.
Clyde: So, I suggest you to post the bug report on its official forum.
: ok the accomplishments are saved online?
Clyde: I am providing you a link to go for, please wait.
: ok
Clyde: This is the link to go for::
Clyde: Where you just need to port your issue.
Clyde: There are our game developer team available, who keep their eyes on it regularly.
Clyde: Once they will get your issue, they will definitely try to resolve it as soon as possible.
Clyde: Actually, we are here to assist the customer regarding account related issue.
: ok but it's somehow
: very related to my profile
: i would like to know this:
: are all my accomplishments linked to my Stermayer profile saved somewhere online?
Clyde: I hope so.
Clyde: Well, Did you find messing up into your game or on the web account?
: in my game
: because we're on the same console
Clyde: Oh, Ok.
: yes, but can you check for my accomplishments online?
: i can give you every information of my account
Clyde: I request you not to share your account password with us.
: ok
: right
: true
Clyde: I will have a look onto your account, please wait.
: sure thank you
Clyde: Well, Your account is searchable and this is your new name over there:: Stermayer "Saremo Magnifici."
: yes exactly
: that's my account
Clyde: I am providing you a link to go for::
: and .. ?
: i'm already there in another window
: there you can see my last accomplishments
: but from tonight i won't be able to play with my player anymore, if we don't do something
: together to restore it
: i'm asking your help, because this is online live help
: and the thing is just happened, so this is the best moment to intervene
: before it's too late
Clyde: Ok, You may try to remove your friend list and then try to play this game once again.
: my friend list where?
:, xbox live?
: hell?
: o
Clyde: Yes.
Clyde: Here, we can try something to resolve your issue.
: ok
: i want my player back
: i can try everything
Clyde: I suggest you to try to transfer your gamer tag to another account, I hope this will resolve your issue.
: also if i shouldn't, but i am kind
Clyde: Do you wish to go for it?
: i don't understand what does that mean
: i'm sorry
: which other account?
: what i mean
: what other account, sry?
Clyde: In this case you need to provide me another ea account, then you gamer tag will be transferred to this new provided ea account.
: and how can this give me my player back?
: i will have no players then
: ok i want to understand better
: where is my player saved?
: my virtual player
: is it saved online or offline or both?
Clyde: It is saved online.
: i think this is the main question
: ok
: this is great
: and is there a way to find
: virtual players?
: is this page containing my virtual player aswell?
Clyde: As far as my knowledge is concerned, this isn't possible to search a virtual palyer.
: so, my virtual player is saved online, but we don't know where?
Clyde: Well, I don't have the good game play knowledge. So, I have to escalate your issue to our higher level for your better assistance.
Clyde: You will be contacted with in 12 to 24 hours via email.
: ok i really thank you
: is there somebody online
: now that
: could heklp me?
: like live assistance
Clyde: Actually , we are here to assist the customer regarding account related issue.
: ok i contacted you because i though it was related
Clyde: So, I have to escalate your issue to our higher level.
Clyde: We don't have good game play knowledge at this level.
: ok, i can understand that, of course, but is there a fifa 11 section
: of live chat?
: to solve for example my problem?
Clyde: Yes, It's available.
Clyde: But, This only provide support only through E-Mail.
: ok and is almost live?
Clyde: So, I have to escalate your issue to the concerned department for your better assistance.
: ok, what do i have to do?
Clyde: So, I suggest you to wait for emails. So, I suggest you to check your emails regularly.
Clyde: You will be contacted soon on
: ok
: and after that
: should i just reply to the email
: to have a sort of comunication?
Clyde: You may also try to post your issue on its official forum, I hope that you will get a better response form its official forum, because there are our game developer team available who keeps their eyes on it regularly, and once they will get your issue, will provide your better solution regarding your issue.
Clyde: This is the link to go for::
Clyde: Ok, Thanks for contacting Electronic Arts. It is always a pleasure to assist our customers in any way that we can.
Clyde: Have a pleasant night & Good bye & take care.
: ok good night thank you
Clyde has disconnected.
And here some of my last accomplishments:
Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 02) Tap one in from close
Oct 15, 2010 3:09 AM
Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 03) Block a shot on goal
Oct 15, 2010 3:09 AM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 30) 75% ground passes in 15 matches
Oct 13, 2010 4:11 PM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 30) Win 150 tackles
Oct 12, 2010 4:40 PM
Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 16) 5 chipped through ball assists
Oct 12, 2010 3:58 PM
: Stermayer has completed the FIFA® 11 Accomplishment 27) Play in 25 wins
Oct 12, 2010 4:40 PM

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