Friday, April 20, 2012

VP traits

OK so when you unlock these you can choose 5, at the moment I've only unlocked and selected the following three;
Long throw - on the rare occasion that I get a throw in, I have noticed a better throw
Early crosser - adds extra curl on my crosses
Skilled dribbling - I don't know exactly what this does but assume I am better at dribbling
Is there a list that tells you exactly what the traits can do for your VP and how best to use them?|||

OK so when you unlock these you can choose 5, at the moment I've only unlocked and selected the following three;
Long throw - on the rare occasion that I get a throw in, I have noticed a better throw
Early crosser - adds extra curl on my crosses
Skilled dribbling - I don't know exactly what this does but assume I am better at dribbling
Is there a list that tells you exactly what the traits can do for your VP and how best to use them?

The 20 traits to choose from are:
Long Throw-In Adds extra distance to your throw-ins
Second Wind Increases stamina at the end of a match
Acrobatic Clearance Adds spectacular defensive clearances to your game

Early Crosser
Adds more curl to your early balls from out wide
Finesse Shot Increases your side foot effectiveness in front of goal
Outside Foot Shot Enables you to curl shots with the outside of the boot
Power Header Adds extra power to your headers at goal
Giant Throw-In Allows you to launch throw-ins right into the box
Swerve Pass Adds bend to your passes & through ball where needed
Power Free-Kick Enables you to take low drilled free kicks

Stutter Penalty
Adds the option to feint when running up to take a spot kick
Skilled Dribbling Enables you to perform the skilled dribbling controls

Fancy Passes
Adds extravagant passes & crosses to your game
Fancy Flicks Increases the likelihood of backheels & fancy 1st touches
Bicycle Kicks Enables you to perform spectacular overhead volleys
Diving Header Allows you to dive when attempting a header at goal
Driven Pass Enables you to play more powerful & direct long passes
GK Up for Corners Allows you to push forward for corners at the end of a match
GK long Throw Increases your over arm throwing distance
GK Flat Kick Increases the speed & accuracy of kicks from hand
|||why would you need a list on what they do? they state it in the edit pro screen :S (or if im being dilusional then its fairly easy to know what each one does anyway)|||My question is, what is skilled dribbling? Long throws I noticed the difference, early cross not so much but them I'm playing up front and only cross on a few occasions in a game so I might notice it more if I play out wide, skilled dribbling? Maybe I'm keeping the ball better or longer than normal but I didn't notice a massive difference. What should I be doing to take full advantage of the traits is what I am asking.|||Early cross just means instead of the ball being played in taking a more direct line almost coming from behind the forwards it tends to fly more towards the goal and bend in making it easier to head.
Skilled dribbling i find it just easier to turn and keep the ball at my players feet. Usefull if you play upfront/CAM where defenders will be pressuring you alot.
Most of the traits are pretty specific to certain types of players.|||Early cross - I think it might have helped me set up my first goal from a corner last night then.
Skilled dribbling - I did see a slight improvement, just was wondering if there was somthing specific button related etc that made it even better
Thanks for the response.|||

Early cross - I think it might have helped me set up my first goal from a corner last night then.
Skilled dribbling - I did see a slight improvement, just was wondering if there was somthing specific button related etc that made it even better
Thanks for the response.

Probably makes skill moves more effective although i've never really used them past getting them done for my VP. 6 in a game was a pain.|||Isn't skilled dribbling when you hold LT and RT together before releasing LT and moving direction to burst into space|||*SIGH* Skileld Dribbling enables the Use of L2+R2 which is a dribbling manouvre which keeps the ball close to your body.
Early cross means when you hold in L1 and do the 3 types of crosses ir will be better.|||

*SIGH* Skileld Dribbling enables the Use of L2+R2 which is a dribbling manouvre which keeps the ball close to your body.
Early cross means when you hold in L1 and do the 3 types of crosses ir will be better.

This, but early cross trait allows your cross to be just as accurate when driven in early, as it does within the normal crossing zone. i.e the box
|||Thanks I'll give the skilled dribbling a go tonight then.|||Cheers, this worked.|||Can i assume i use the Left & Right triggers together for the skilled dribbling trait on Xbox? I press thse two together but all my pro does in move sideways :)|||How do u actually unlock the Skilled dribble trait on fifa 11??? :)

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