Thursday, April 12, 2012

anyone want to do a lyon or shamrock rovers collab

any one if so pm me and say here
ps i will still be continuing my wigan thread|||anyone|||or shamrock rovers|||I'll do Lyon?|||

I'll do Lyon?

I was lying mannn.|||seriously|||


I would've but I'm carring on my one now so sorry.|||ok :)|||

ok :)

Sorry to get your hopes up, I bet you was looking forward to working with the forum's best member :)|||

ok :)

Sorry to get your hopes up, I bet you was looking forward to working with the forum's best member :)

Yeah. Wait what did you say...|||:)|||

ok :)

Sorry to get your hopes up, I bet you was looking forward to working with the forum's best member :)

Up your own arsé much?|||

ok :)

Sorry to get your hopes up, I bet you was looking forward to working with the forum's best member :)

Up your own arsé much?

:) Just felt like saying that|||ok so does anyone|||anyone

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